World Wide Iwamoto Awards 2015

Om go i Sverige

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World Wide Iwamoto Awards 2015

Post by Eskil »

Vi har fått information om Iwamoto Awards, en tävling där man kan vinna pengar för bästa sprida-go-projekt. Där finns också många bra projekt som vi och andra kanske vill prova för att sprida Go i Sverige och i Världen. Ta en titt på länkarna nedan! /Eskil
Announcement of the World Wide Iwamoto Awards 2015

The European Go Centre is happy to announce the World Wide Iwamoto Awards. In succession to the European editions in 2001, 2003, 2007 and 2012, the Iwamoto Awards now go global. Thanks to internet and social media, the world has become smaller, so we think it is time to invite people on a global scale to submit Go promotion projects.
These projects are collected in our public database. With this information everybody who is involved in the promotion of Go can find new ideas and inspiration for their own projects. You can have a look at our website at ... d-entries/ to see the submissions of previous editions of the European Iwamoto Awards.
The winner of the award will receive € 1.000, two runners up will receive € 500.
The European Iwamoto Awards were much appreciated by the contributors, the EGF and the Nihon Ki-in. Therefore we want to extend the project and improve some features. You can find all details and the criteria for submitting projects on our website at:

Harry van der Krogt
European Go Centre
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